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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Broken Backbone * Online


In the past days we have had a problem with our backbone server that is located in Chicago, Illinois. We are trying everything to solve the problem as fast as we can.

As many of you already know we have problems with our fileserver where we have all our replays, crewfiles and public files. Because of this our replay section is totally inactive; you can’t download any replays or upload any replays to us. We are very sorry about what has occurred and we are trying to solve this as fast as we can.

Submitting replays anyway

If you have any good replays that you want us to host, send a email to me at with a short description and I will upload them as fast as I can when the backbone server is back online.

Update: The backbone is fixed ~ we're back online!

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