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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Dragon & Tiger*


The recent hiring of the two most famous China Chinese players for Korea Korean pro-teams and the constant events between both country players are undoubtly increasing and improving the integration and creating friendship ties, at least when it is in regard to Starcraft.

Some say the idea behind bringing Chinese players to the scene of Korean leagues and events is a smart strategy from the companies in order to expand its actuation to that very promising consuming market. It is also amazing how out of all the possibility of things, it might just be Starcraft that becomes the vehicle to unite the youth of these two very different nations.

Despite of its true intentions, the events with both Korean and Chinese players have increased significantly in the last months, or perhaps they already existed before, being brought to light lately by the corporate machine. All in all it just brings more promise to e-Sports.

A good example of its integration is the clan war between China Team China and Korea Sea clan, which have just been played today at PGTour. It was 9 1v1 matches in best of three mode.

Check the brackets matchups and results:

China LinYu)Pj 2-1 Korea Sea.Single
China DP_R 0-2 Korea GoO.Sea
China [S.Top]Phoniex 2-1 Korea Sea.FireFist
China [S.Top]Beckham 0-2 Korea Sea.Rius
China [SvS]ChinaTTTT 0-2 Korea Sea.Leta
China F91-Forever 2-0 Korea Sea.Pie
China =PNZ=Legendary)L.x 0-2 Korea Sea.s2
China .=Y.J=Stronger 1-2 Korea Sea.sO
China Freeagain 0-2 Korea Sea.Jang

As you can see, Team Sea has achieved the victory by the score of 6-3 (14-7). We surely expect more and more events involving players from both countries in the near future, as it is already growing day by day, ever since the first televised Starcraft match.

//Submitted and written by Guest Writer Brazil kmk)heaD.

*The Dragon is a mythical creature of great importance in all of Asia, but perhaps more so in China than anywhere else. The Tiger on the other hand is perhaps the most symbolic animal figure in Korea. Tigers once populated the peninsula and, in traditional culture, were considered holy animals embodying a mountain deity. The tiger's importance in Korean culture was underscored during the 1988 Seoul Olympics, when it was chosen as South Korea's mascot. The last tigers were believed to have been hunted down by Japanese colonial rulers, which adds to the animal's symbolic importance.

Links - Replays - Team Cn_ profile at PGTour - Team Cn_ homepage

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