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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

GosuBet: 4 days left


GosuBet Season One currently has four more days. The race is as good as over expect for two fearless betters from the same clan; BW-Valli and BW-SueCia. With a total of nine more scheduled games and 1951 minerals behind, SueCia has the chance to win the BlizzCon ticket - GosuGamers had a chat with him.


Andreas Eriksson, SueCia, is 19 years old and lives in Smedjebacken in Sweden. We sat down with him for a chat:

  • You're currently ranked as #2 in GosuBet, with a total of 11422 minerals. What's your strategy?

    Well, before the gurram vs trek game I didn't really have any strategy at all. But after I saw I had the possibility to beat BW-valli after that bet I just started to look up the players/teams history and make my bets after that. I always go all in. So I guess All in is my strat ;)

    I see. Valli is about 2,000 minerals ahead of you, and the competition seems to be between the two of you. Raven494, ranked as third, is almost 9,000 minerals behind so most likely it's you or Valli. Who will it be?

    All in is my strategy

    - SueCia, #2 (11422 minerals)
    Hard to tell, Valli told me a couple of days ago he wants to play defensively. I can´t do that since i only play to beat Valli this season. Ending up last or as second really doesn't matter if I dont win. But my guess is that Valli will take the win since i have to risk more at the moment.

    Currently, another 9 GosuBets are scheduled before August ends. Do you believe you can beat Valli if your all-in streak continues? (Assuming he plays defensively)

    I don't really know much about the korean scene so if I bet I would only bet by luck there. However there is a bet going between KaaZ and SunCow and another between Mexico and France today. Maybe I have bet in one of those? Cant tell since whatever I do Valli will just mirror my moves :( So in other words, yes I do believe I can win this if I get a little luck.

    If you win, what would you do with the BlizzCon ticket? Or are you only competing for fame?

    I am competing for the fame only, i dont really know what i am going to do. Maybe have it as a price in a BW tournament or sell it on ebay or something? Don´t really know about how legal that is though. But shouldn´t be any problems.

    How do you like the GosuBet system so far? Any suggestions for improvements?

    Hmm, I don't really have anything to complain about. As it is now it is a little easy, but that might also be because of mine and Vallis úberskill so it might get a little hard for the rest to follow us (joke) ;). Nah, I think its very close to perfect. Perhaps if possible deal minerals a little faster after closed games, but I understand if admins don't have the time.

    Alright, who did you bet on in KaaZ vs SunCow that just started?

    Well. Actually I would like to keep it a secret until tonight, so Valli don't know if I bet in this game or in the one tonight ;) I can tell I bet in one of them at least.

    Good luck!

Hunting the prize of the BlizzCon entry ticket continues. Stay tuned on Thursday where we will present full statistics as of the first month and also name the winner. Check out the top 30 list in the link below.

GosuBet Top 30 - Users with the most minerals

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