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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

ClanBase opens for SC

clanbase.gifStarcraftGamers previously » reported that ClanBase announced their new nations cups and that Starcraft was not one of them, even though ClanBase promised a SC Nations Cup after our » successful petition.

ClanBase said the game needed a few more days to have the administration team selected - and yesterday, the game was announced as an official ClanBase nations cup game!

The supervisor of the cup will be United Kingdom Lord_Marine(TE) plus another person still to be announced. I must express my happiness and that this is another perfect example of why our Starcraft community is so wonderful; we want something, the sites make sure they propose it and the community shows their support. More information as soon as the cup starts will be posted here! Go Go Go!

Links - Official statement and lots of more information

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