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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Beginners guide to SC

[subject_starcraft]While checking the forums I saw an interesting post titled "Beginners guide for playing Starcraft". This post is not new at all, it actually has got as much as 25,128 reads, but it's still a good source for some basic information about the game. This is confirmed by the forum team since the post was edited to a 'sticky thread' which means that it will be listed in the beginning in the forum.

The post includes titles such as;
The "big five" basic principles
Learning the game
Theory of economics
Static defence (i.e camping)
Advanced play

Quote: "Static defense is all structures that have an attack. A common question is, "Why not build a lot of cannons and static defense? Cannons are great units -- they detect, fire at land and air, have awesome range, and straight up will kill units better than most other Toss units for the same cost." Cannons are deliberately made better than mobile units where the tradeoff is that they DON'T MOVE.

You cannot beat your opponent by having a well defended base. A good opponent will see this and just leave you alone while taking expansion spots around the rest of the map. Remember that at your level of play, economics has a huge impact on winning or losing.

If your opponent has 2 bases and you have 1, it doesn't matter how well defended your base is, you're going to lose in the long run. " User FAQAnother interesting post I found was a post including a link to a site called " User FAQ". This site is not like the regular User FAQ on the homepage, but a nice remade one. An ugly site divided into three different sections. The site explains and answers normal arguments when players have lost a game. This is an example: "I would own you 1v1!"

Whether or not this statement is true is irrelevant. You joined a team game meaning you agree to the terms and play style of a team game. People who say this have a twisted sense of logic where somehow a 1v1 would offset the LOSS they received in the team game. There is really no way to talk sense into these people, so just ignore them."

Links - Beginners guide to Starcraft User FAQ - Explanations and answeres to normal arguments in SC

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