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WarCraft 317 years agoRaistlin

fnatic kicks NaNiwa - flame fest follows

After three months in fnatic, the Swedish player NaNiwa gets kicked out. Reason is his behavior, especially during discussions about his salary.

NaNiwa says that the main reason he left was because of the money he was given was very low, and because of practice problems. He says thar Rotterdam, XyLigan and Rob were only playing on the ladder and Satiini played poker. He also says that he decided to stay for a while but after WCG Sweden he felt he had no choice anymore.

Hotel problems reason behind WCG Sweden dropout

Johan "NaNiwa" Lucchessi failed to show up at the Swedish World Cyber Games preliminary, without notifying the administrators in time. The reason for his dropout was because of a dispute with the fnatic management about the hotel. NaNiwa claims that they gave him 21 dollars to find a hotel.

The fnatic management, profiled by zr0 (Founder and Managing Director of fnatic) and Noname (WarCraft 3 Manager), states however that NaNiwa was a troublesome person to deal with.

We knew it would be a challenge to take him in and work with him.
- Noname about NaNiwa

"Why agree to join us in the first place?"

- Naniwa, has not been a nice guy, but we knew it would be a challenge to take him in and work with him. It was fine earlier but after a point it sorta got out of hand. I don't wanna bad mouth the guy but I think he could have gone a little easy on his flaming. There have been some things he's said about salary, I don't know why he agreed to join us in the first place if he knew what salary he was getting, says Noname to GosuGamers.

"An eye opener for all of us on this kid"

Noname further tells GosuGamers that they had plans of sending Johan "NaNiwa" Lucchessi to China to play in a few of the many tournaments, where they would increase his salary for him to have a solid base to live off. But according to Noname, he decided not to.
- I don't get the kid, any player would love such a shot at playing, but hey its fine. That was an eye opener for all of us on this kid, he reveals.

NaNiwa about the China deal

NaNiwa is not slow to comment in the news post at fnatic, saying that the fnatic management are "talking shit". He says that the original agreement was six months with a 600 dollar salary a month.
- You did not give me what you said you would so in what [...] way is this my fault, he asks his former managers in the comments of the news post.

fnatic now stands with only four players: XyLigan, Rob, Satiini and Rotterdam. WarCraft 3 Manager Noname reveals to GosuGamers that we will see a new recruit in the next few days.

fnatic.com - Read the original news and the discussion here

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