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WarCraft 317 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Polish Delta with Additions: SquiRReL Speaking Up


Heard about Team Delta? It's not crucial, but maybe it's time you started acknowledging them. They've had a few nice additions to their roster recently.

Team Delta is a Polish clan that clearly got ambitions to play on a international level. The additions are none other than Denmark SquiRReL, Hungary Rabbit,Hungary Lead and Poland Nekr - Lead and SquiRReL known to the scene since before.

SquiRReL has for example lately, has been playing for 360e - a strong German team, while Lead is also known as H2k.Destiny - switching team to the Polish troops. Another interesting name we've been able to find in the teams' roster lately is TeRRoR, the Polish ex-professional Undead. Also, the Night-Elf player sLh have been somewhat up there playing for n!faculty before Delta. We caught up with SquiRReL for some words about his new home.

Team Delta
Poland Nazgul
Poland Kuja
Poland Terror
Poland hex
Poland Nekr
Poland sLh
Denmark Squirrel
Hungary Rabbit
Poland Ankhes
Poland Tauren
Belarus Oreh
Hungary Lead
Andy, please introduce yourself to the readers!
- Hey everyone, my name is Andy Clarke, I recently turned 16 and I have a tendency to flame a bit too much. :D

Haha, you might wanna tell us why you flame too much?
- I prefer to "talk" my mind out, cause if I dont then my gameplay will reach a point where my anger is taking over the game.

Ok, well let's head to the topic! So you've joined the Polish based Team Delta, how do you feel about this?
- I feel good about it, I've recieved a lot of offers from other teams, but none of them would give me anything that I could actually need, that includes good training etc.

Ok, nice. Would you share some of the teams goals that you're heading for at the moment?
- Our goals are to qualify the best leagues, wpl/tgl/tfl and in the upcoming future ngl2 quali and wc3l.

Ok. Earlier you gave me a glimpse that you might have more changes in the roster. Is there anything you can share here?
- I'm not sure that I'm allowed to give info out, but we're hoping to recruit top players so we can qualify for the best leagues and show great results everywhere.

You played for 360e before. What made you leave them?
- I've never liked to talk bad about a team, but I'll make an exception here, I joined them because of my former clan leader from eGp ( star ) asked if I wanted to join, I told him yes because of the great atmosphere there was in the clan, and that star was a great leader, but then the leaders from 360 apparently disliked what he was doing and decided to kick him, everything from then started to become worse and worse when Bam also left, which really demotivated me.

There were a lot of other things aswell, but they shouldnt be talked about.

So hmm, I think that's it. GosuGamers wishes you good luck in the new team. Any last words you'd like to add?
- Only that I will become a great player soon, and the greatest fanboy naniwa could ever wish!

We wish the whole team good luck!

Delta.Owned.pl - Source

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