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DotA15 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Egypt - know about it

Before going directly to the subject, I want to apologize to everyone for being late on writing this article. The idea was to post one article every Monday talking about a different country, but for some reasons I had to postpone it.

Now the country is Egypt Egypt. Maybe the most important in Africa. There aren't any national events in there but this will change soon. There is a project being discussed at Egyptian forums to start an online event involving the whole country, moderated by admins of Egyptian rooms (Garena).

The Egyptian DotA community is increasing while the time passes and along with that the experience is also increasing. When DotA was something designed just for fun and no one knew about that (several years ago), Egypt Egypt already had people playing DotA. We can mention Egypt Cenarius, one of the oldest DotA players there.

Last week, Egypt Tiger, a very known guy on Egyptian forums because of his contributions to the community, asked Egypt Cenarius some questions. Among the many things he said, some sentences were really interesting. For example, when asked about the "effect of DotA on his life", he said:

Egypt Cenarius: Well, its hard to say; am pretty much of the addictive type of people,i admit to be a DotA addict right now but i bet i would have been just as addicted/dedicated to whichever subject i put my mind into (wither it was computer games, study or even sports) " Moderacy" is a nonexistent word in my dictionary.

He also talked about his thoughts about the actual DotA scene and his presence on the competitive edge. You can read the whole interview United Kingdom here

Before finalizing, there are also some other players that should be mentioned for their abilities in the Egyptian DotA scene. They are:

01. Egypt Cenarius.
02. Egypt Drunker
03. Egypt Alpha_ImBa
04. Egypt cYc1ops
05. Egypt darker-fear
06. Egypt benben-_-
07. Egypt blackrouge
08. Egypt ne0
09. Egypt MeTaL_Man
10. Egypt ..Hit..Hit..
11. Egypt aAa.Elune
12. YMN-Tiger-_-Rock
13. YMN-TheSnipeR
14. YMN-Shankel
15. YMN-NoMercy

"This article was possible only because of our contributors. Thank you Tiger for your help."

Garena - Interview with Cenarius

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