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General13 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Ksssssss returns to Tyloo

Once a team that could pull of wins against past giants like CCM and LGD, Tyloo was dealt the worst hand during the second Chinese reshuffle in August - now a team of four unknowns led by GK, Tyloo has just announced their latest addition, and it takes the form of former player Ksssssss.

Fresh from their victory at WCG and their trip to Germany for Gamescom, Tyloo was soon struck by an internal crisis. It started with the core of DD (now at LGD), Hao (now at Panda), Awoke and Faith (both at iG.Z) leaving Kabu behind to fend for himself. The latter eventually announced his retirement, and GK was invited to head a new team of unknown players.

Only recently, SGamer received word that former Nirvana.cn player Ksssssss has officially joined Tyloo. Hopefully, the new roster will debut in their next match against iG.Y.

China GK (Manager)
China Gucci
China hot
China darl
China prettyHaw
China Ksssssss

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