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DotA15 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

6.65 is coming along nicely

Icefrog has announced that the development is going nicely, and promised fresh and enjoyable content.

This means, that aside from the balance fixes, tweaks and bug-fixes that 6.64 brought us, the newest installment is expected to introduce new heroes, items or perhaps gameplay changes.

It is true that some of the previously underestimated heroes are now seeing the light of the day with the direct and indirect buffs they received, but there are still a few that don't get much attention in public and competitive games alike. It would be rather subjective to call a hero unoriginal, but it is obvious to both the community and the developer that Chaos Knight, for example, needs at least a partial remake. If you have an idea yourself, IceFrog would probably like to know (refer to the link at the end of the text). 6.65 will surely fix some of these issues, hopefully alike to what happened to Gorgon and Razor.

Although this is just a quick update, and a bigger one is sure to follow, it is enough to spark some impatience and questions about the 6.65. Worry not, GosuGamers will keep you informed!

IceFrog's blog - A place for regular updates about development
Chaos Knight Brainstorming thread - A thread about Nessaj's Blink strike

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