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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Real Grrr Interview

[s]interview[/s]An interesting interview with Canada Grrr, and yes this time it's a real interview. Guillaume Patry talks about pro-gaming, pro-gaming money, life in Seoul and the of course Starcraft. Here are some quotes.

GP.jpg"A gamer's career doesn't last forever," he said in an interview. "The oldest (professional) gamers are 23. And after that you just stop being good, for some reason. You're too slow. "It doesn't start when you're younger than 17 either, because you're strategic mind is not good enough. So it's really short, and people are very dedicated to their jobs."Patry sees StarCraft like a game of chess, a challenge that demands you anticipate your opponent's moves. Like an old-time hockey player, however, Patry was in his prime before really big money came to pro gaming. "I wish I was good now," he says with a laugh. But he is still well known in South Korea. Put him in the right locale - a university or amusement park - and he says "I'll be recognized a lot."One of the reasons that StarCraft became so popular in South Korea was a lack of rival titles. Popular first-person shooter games like Quake were banned for a time there because they were considered too violent.I will leave you with the best quote and you can go read the rest, written by Neil Davidson at » The Canadian Press."You need to practise hard and hate losing. And always be looking for the best players to play with you."

Herald.ns.ca - Source

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