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'League of Legends' Jungle Changes Planned for Next Update

Riot Games has been looking into League of Legends’ jungle during the preseason and is planning to change several camps and jungle-related items in the next update.

Looking ahead to Patch 9.2, League of Legends design director Riot Meddler laid out the current plans for the next update and how it’ll affect the jungle and those who play in it. While different aspects of the jungle are changing, the result will be an overall nerf with many values including damage and experience being decreased after the patch’s release.

The list of changes below show what Riot Games’ current thinking is regarding the next update, though there’s always the chance these values could change before release.


Joe "JDKINETON" Kinetonex-gosugamers employee, still help out every now and then. CSGO PR: [email protected] Gosugamers Support: [email protected]

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