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League of Legends: Patch 3.9 preview

Today Riot released the 3.9 Patch Preview including changes to Draven's passive, wards and Oracle's elixir.


Riot is trying to balance the vision wars that are characteristic of the current meta. With the new patch, killing wards will divide the gold between the one who grants the vision and the one who kills the ward. In addition, the Oracle's elixir duration will be shortened but the effect will persist through death.

In addition, Riot balanced a few champions, with Draven being affected the most. His passive was considered to be too strong early game so it was completely revamped. Now Draven will receive stacks for each CS and upon champion kill will receive gold based on the amount of stacks on his passive.

Another champion that is greatly affected by the patch is LeBlanc. Her damage is shifted around the spells, but most importantly the damage of the spell replicated by her ultimate depends on the level of the ultimate and not on the replicated spell.

Quality-of-life changes are made to: Evelynn, Hecarim, Janna, Jayce, Kayle, Kennen, Nasus and many others.


Source - League of Legends

Atanas "bloodyrose" PlachkovAtanas "Bloodyrose" Plachkov - Tourism Master Graduate in real life, gamer & nerd online. Curently playing LoL, HS and D3. Former WoW addict with a couple of world firsts in Ulduar with Inner Sanctum.

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