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Overwatch is dead?

Have the r/GlobalOffensive mods quietly killed off Overwatch Sunday, or is it just an oversight that there was no post today?

Either way, Overwatch Sundays have been declining for the last few years - I made this chart for a period back in 2016:, measuring (apparent) Overwatch activity by the number of comments each thread attracted. Not very scientific but it gave you a general idea - even back then it looked bleak, the number of comments over an 11-month period declining from as many as 400 to less than 100.

Last Sunday's OW thread barely attracted 20 comments (only 4 of which were actual people reporting on their OW cases), and that's been the trend going back a good year now.

Are people just bored of posting about it, or are they no longer doing OW cases? And if it's the latter, how can the system even function if the numbers of people doing it are declining? Is it time to kill OW Sundays (I believe it wouldn't be the first time it was discontinued), and is anyone even doing OW cases apart from content-hungry YouTubers? (I only resumed doing them recently after slacking off them for probably a couple of years).

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