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Since Luis "peacemaker" Tadeu's departure from Tempo Storm to Team Liquid, the organisation have signed Rafael "zakk" Fernandes as their full time coach.
Earlier this month news emerged of Tempo Storm's ex-coach, Luis "peacemaker" Tadeu, departure to Team Liquid, leaving the promising Brazilian roster without a coach. Following said news, the team has been searching for an individual to fill the coaching role, finally coming to the decision of signing none other than Rafael "zakk" Fernandes. Fernandes boasts a long Counter-Strike career with roots from 1.6 through Source, concluding professionally on CS:GO as of March 2016.
The new coach will not be filling the In-game Leader role, as said position is reserved for Team Captain, Ricardo "boltz" Prass. Instead, Fernandes will be ensuring the team receives relevant statistical information prior to matches, communicates well internally and the roster keeps a level head during matches.
Front page image courtesy of Ricardo Prass/Twitter