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CS29 years ago

CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals - Groups drawn


Groups have been drawn for the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals tournament held in London, UK.

Tomorrow marks the start of the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals, which will run all the way through to the 1st of May. Eight teams will be butting heads in a bid to secure a chunk of the $125,000 prize pool. The event will be held at the Gfinity Arena in Fulham, London, UK. For those interested in spectating, you may do so on CEVO's channel here.

The group stage of the event will feature a best-of-three double-elimination bracket, after which there will be a best-of-five, single-elimination bracket for the top contenders from each bracket. 

Prize money distribution:
1st place - $55,000
2nd place - $30,000
3rd/4th place - $12,500
5th/6th place - $5,000
7th/8th place - $2,500

Below are the groups for the CEVO Gfinity Season 9 LAN Finals:

Group AGroup B
Poland Virtus.ProDenmark Team Dignitas
Europe HellRaisersBrazil Tempo Storm
Canada OpTic GamingDenmark SK Gaming
United States SPLYCEUnited States Selfless Gaming

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