Cloud9 signs Slemmy
Cloud9 has finally found a replacement for Ryan "fREAKAZOiD" Abadir this week with the signing of Alex "Slemmy" White, one of the rising talents in North America. Slemmy had the following to say about his signing:
Shox wins HTC 1v1 Invitational
HTC's inaugural one-versus-one tournament conluded this weekend with G2 eSports' Richard "shox" Papillon taking first place, as well as the $10,000 first place prize. The Frenchman took on Michal "MICHU" Müller in the Grand Finals match, taking him out with a 2-1 score.
Update adds de_nuke to active duty, Prime MM
Valve rolled out a major update for CS:GO this week, which has swapped out de_inferno for de_nuke in the active duty pool, leading many to speculate that de_inferno will receive a overhaul in the coming months. The update also marked the beginning of the new Prime matchmaking beta, which aims to cut down on hackers and smurfs by requiring a phone number to put into the "priority queue".
Echo Fox drops tck, adds roca
CompLexity lost out on one of their most valuable players this week as Echo Fox have brought in Daniel "roca" Gustaferri to replace their stand-in, Trey "tck" Martin; although the choice of player was surprising, tck's removal from Echo Fox has been long foreshadowed as he has consistently underperformed during his trial period.
GosuGamers Chrome extension live
Looking for an ever faster way to stay up to date with the latest CS:GO matches and results? Check out our newly-newly released Chrome extension, which gives you a live match ticker and stream list no matter where you are on the web!