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CS29 years ago

THREAT announced to be NiP 5th, pyth reportedly moving to CoD, and more on this year's April's Fools

This year, the CS:GO community has slammed it with their April's Fools jokes. Fake news articles have circled around the internet and have made people doubt their mental sanity.

KRiMZ, a long time member of fnatic, has taken to Twitter to announce that his team would make some serious roster changes after this event. With people going crazy (considering that for some, April 1st had not arrived yet), others were fortunately able to spot the April's Fools message in it.


After great effort by team coach Björn "THREAT" Pers, the Ninjas in Pyjamas were able to once again achieve the major legend status despite not having their fifth member on site due to visa issues. In shocking news, THREAT was announced to become a starting player for NiP whereas pyth considered moving over to Call of Duty in their official statement:

"I didn't really see this one coming. My first real event and I'm already cut? Wow. Luckily, I've been practising my noobtubing and 360 no-scoping since the first Modern Warfare game. I instantly knew this was my call. Of duty." - Jacob "pyth" Mourojärvi.


ESL have announced to finally give a voice to the people demanding more competitive hostage crises. They have actually gone hardcore on this in swapping out all original maps for cs_inferno, cs_italy, cs_office, cs_militia, cs_cruise, cs_assault. In addition to this there will also be major changes in terms of gameplay, as the starting money will be set to $2.5k and the M4A1 will only cost half. Every team will be forced to have at least one AWP in play at all times and the AK's prize will be upped to $3750 dollars. It will really be interesting to see if these changes affect the competitive scene and to which extent. ;)

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