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Reason Gaming line-up revamped

Reason Gaming have announced a whole new roster featuring only one player from the previous line-up.

Reason Gaming have announced that their old line-up led by Nicolai "HUNDEN" Petersen is gone, after HUNDEN decided to step down due to recent bad results. This provided a chance for another player to step up and assemble a new line-up. Martin 'percy' Wessel was one of the most recent additions to the old line-up, however that didn't prevent him gathering a new line-up.

One of the new players, Peter “Inzta” Kragelund had the following to say about joining Reason Gaming:

Today we decided to go official with our new lineup! After my departure with I talked with larsen about getting together a Danish team, and after awhile we got contacted by tabaco and decided to try him out. Shortly after that we got contacted by percy and EXR and then we had our team! Percy came to us after a short stay at Reason Gaming, and after contacting them the conclusion was clear, we were gonna play for Reason Gaming! Our goal will be to get stability and play as much as possible! I would like to thank Reason Gaming for trusting in us! and all of their sponsors as well, Das Keyboard, esportclothing, Gunnar and LG!

The new line-up looks as follows:
Denmark Martin “percy” Wessel
Denmark Sebastian “larsen” Larsen
Denmark Nikolaj “EXR” Therkildsen
Denmark Kristian “tabaco” Simonsen
Denmark Peter “Inzta” Kragelund

Their official debut will be tonight at the D!ngIT Weekly Cup #24, where they will be facing another European mix called MaxAndRelax. You may tune in for the match which starts at 18.00 CET by following this link.

Headline image: Source

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