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Fragbite anonouced casters for upcoming Masters S4

The Swedish tournament will be commentated by RoF duo Anders and Semmler, who will be joined by Robin 'Voltie' Takac.

The irreplaceable duo of Anders and Semmler is now joined by a promising commentator Robin 'Voltie' Takac, who could be seen mostly on internal Swedish competitions. However, his participation is limited to the open qualifiers in collaboration with Semmler. His comment about him joining the Fragbite commentating team:

I'm nervous but excited at the same time, since it's the first time I cast in a studio. I'm looking forward to work with the team behind FBM and I think I can learn a lot from casting with Semmler.

Denmark Anders Blume - Main Event
United States Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat - Main Event&Qualifiers
Sweden Robin 'Voltie' Takac - Qualifiers

The participants for the tournament, which will feature 500,000 SEK (~$60k) prize pool in addition to 60,000 SEK travel support), consists of 12 invitees and 4 qualification slots.

12 invited teams:
Sweden fnatic
France EnvyUs
Denmark TeamSolomid
France Titan
Germany PENTA Sports
Ukraine FlipSid3 Tactics
Ukraine Na'Vi
Ukraine HellRaisers
Portugal k1ck eSports club
Norway LGB eSports
Europe mousesports

Headline image by ESL.

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