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CS210 years ago

fm-eSports pick up The Lone Rangers

fm-eSports have announced that they will be picking up newly formed UK team The Lone Rangers

The UK squad, which was just formed earlier this month, has achieved only mixed results in SLTV StarSeries Season 11, with a disappointing 4-2 win/loss ratio. 

Nonetheless, the British based fm-eSports organization have decided to pick up the team, with high hopes of qualifying for ESWC 2014 and the upcoming Insomnia 53. 

Returning fm-eSports player Brandon “weber” Weber had this to say about the aquisition:

It’s good to be playing under the FM banner once more knowing that we can focus solely on preparing for upcoming qualifiers and events. We’d like to thank Sapphire, Razer, AMD, Multiplay and Twitch once again for giving us the support we need and to Darren for giving us a stable home. Hopefully this is a step forward in putting the UK scene back on the CS map

fm-eSports will now have the following roster:

United Kingdom  Sam "RattlesnK" Gawn
United Kingdom  Dan "RE1EASE" Mullan
United Kingdom  Brandon "weber" Weber
United Kingdom  George "hudzG" Hoskins
United Kingdom  Luke "fearLess" Morris