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StarCraft16 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Community Reaction to Zerg


Our very own Vilda of GosuGamers.net interviewed several members of the StarCraft community to see what their take on the Zerg release is thus far. Here are their interviews!

Interview with Poland ToT)Gosia(:

Have you seen the zerg vids etc.?
Yes i did.

A lot of people have been pretty upset about the small amount of zerg information thus far, what do you think about what you've seen so far?
Looks great. Zerg units always been somehow close to my heart! And ultralisks most beloved bw unit, looks really nice to me.

ss75-hiresSMALL.jpgWhat about the new units, have you found anyone you like more or dislike thus far?
Nah, I don't really have any statement about new units, as long as I don't experience it myself I won't talk anything about that.

When do you think that might happen?
By the end of 2k8 I suppose!

What do you think about the 3D models in SC2?
I'm pretty impressed by the new look of sc, a bit scared about game mechanism I don't want sc2 to be WarCraft 4

So if you compare to the wc3 graphics, do you like sc2 more?
Obviously. Colours in Warcraft were the biggest pain in the ass. Starcraft on the other hand has so much blood, and how would starcraft look with warcraft colours pattern? That would be awful.

Have you followed the release of zerg material more than the other races? Being a zerg player and all
Obviously. Never watched any sc2 video earlier, was just curious how does my favourite race look like, and I can say that ultralisk is still the biggest and the best unit!

Interview with Norway Eriador:

I think Blizzard is great and I am optimistic yet it is difficult to predict how great the game will actually become and I doubt it can be as great as starcraft is, but it probably will be the second best RTS ever, zerg looks interesting and there seems to be more of a focus on "the swarm" and how they just pop up with 200 units from 3 angles all attacking at the same time. Which will be easier done with MBS/MUS!

Will you play it?
Yep I will play but with no real intention of becoming really really good

You said that about bw too?
Yeah and I never had a real intention of becoming really really good in bw either but i don't have the kind of time required anymore.

ss71-hiresSMALL.jpgMany people accuse Blizzard, saying they're not making SC2 but WarCraft4, what do you think about that?
Well I think Blizzard is making the game they thing will sell the most, and although I would prefer if stuff like multiple building selection and autocast(other than healing and possibly other similar spells) and some of the interface changes they are making were not part of sc2, they will be, because otherwise the game would be criticised by everyone whom never played/followed starcraft on a high level. And some of these interface changes are part of war3, and because of these interface changes they need to give units enough special abilities to claim that even the best players will constantly have stuff to do. I dont think they will succeed in creating a game where the time one would normally spend on macro in broodwar will instead be spent harassing, but if they do, then it can become great. But interface changes force a change in the gameplay, or there would not be enough room for improvement (as broodwar would be quite easy with the war3 interface), and the evolution of RTS games and games in general force the interface changes. blizzard has no real choice in this matter.

So, IF you were to play this game, would you from what you know now, pick zerg as a race again?
I would pick random as a race again, lol, only playing 1 third of the game seems weak to me. ;)

Interview with United States iNcontroL[Media]:

ss73-hiresSMALL.jpgSo, what do you think of the new units they presented? are you missing something?
The idea of a creep based Queen super unit is kinda cool.. the ultra looks better and burrowing out of craters is ok (Starship Troopers?) but overall I don't like the preliminary discussions on unit abilities.. defilers that cast darkswarm while moving underground? Everything infests?

Some units might be removed, which one would be the one you'd miss the most?
Clearly the ultralisk. Its my favorite unit.

But its already there isn't it?
Then I guess lurkers? We are unsure if they are there.

Interview with Russia 3D.Notforu:

What do you think of the zerg so far?
Actually I can't answer =) because I haven't seen whole picture yet. But if I can decide I'll tell. Zerg become more strategic. I mean not such hardcore muta harass or just speed movement. it seems like much more brain uses, more brain less hands.

Is that a good thing or bad?
Not good and not bad, it's just a thing =) anyway well see all races when game would be released.

What else do you feel is different with zerg as a race, what was your first impression of the new units?
hmm first feeling they are cartoons =) they are not so realistic as i expected =)

Do you think that sc2 will get as big and well known as sc:bw has been?
I think it will be much popular.

Will you play it?
Yes for sure since first day I'll buy

Will you look for a new race, or will you stick with zerg after what you've seen now?
I'll try all. Actually I don't know if I'll play many games like sc1 but surely ill try it. About race I don't know.

If you look at what you've seen today from the new units, which ones do you think will match more with that new way of playing zerg?
Surely it's baneling usage with nydus worms. Infestors and mighty Ultralisks burrowing =) all they was wonderful and we cant remove hydralisks lurkers zerglings and mutas. We just can't do that =)

Some people say that blizzard isn't making sc2 but wc4, what do you think about that?
None, they made SC2.


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