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StarCraft15 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

National teams prepare, ICCup's Tournament is about to kick off

As last year's run was pretty successful, ICCup crew decided to do another ICCup National Tournament for major Starcraft nations all around the world and of course - to treat the best with ladder points and special icons


Officially named "Season 10", exact date and time of beginning is yet to be revealed. Country leaders will get informed via P.M. on ICCup's website that shall lead it's nation to ultimate goal of winning the tournament or even you can try to take charge and do it with your national teammates. If that's the case be sure to contact UnitedStates iCCup.Mai-K for more information.

When things start to get rolling, you will get informed by exact time and date that should trigger you to sign up on ICCup Tournament Forum and then check in on the tournament page. To clear any confusion, you can only participate in National Tournament for a country that you currently live in but if you are special case, please inform ICCup admins about it.

Some general information follows :

National tour will be conducted by Country.
You must have the correct flag when signing up for your national tournament.

1. Prizes

A. NO PAY-IN. This means you will play for free. No need to worry about losing anything.
B. The prize depends on how many players will have for national tournament.

As mentioned above, options include 16/32/64 player tournaments, with ladder points distributed as follows:

64 players => 2000/1500/1000/1000
32 players => 1800/1300/1000/1000
16 players => 1500/1000/900/900

2. Rules

A. Game setting must be Melee or UMS setting one. NOT one on one. The purpose of the National Tournament is that you do not lose points.

B. No obsservers allowed. If you put any obs in your match during national tour, that match will be canceled and must be replayed without observers.

C. There are two possible formats, depending on the votes of participants
* Bo1 until the Semi-Final and Bo3 for the Final [Lite tournament]
*Bo3 until semi final and Bo5 for the Final [Epic tournament]

D. Maps will be voted by the players, as in last season's tourneys.

3. National Champions Grand Final Tournament

The winners of each National Tournament will be invited to participate in a grand final national tournament at the end of season. The ladder prizes will be even bigger and the games may be broadcast on iCCupTV. We will provide each national tourney winner with the relevant information at a later date.

We can only wish that Season 10 will be more populated by various teams and that we will in fact enjoy good manner games (with a bit of trash talk) and Gosu moves from best players that worlds nations has to offer

ICCup.com - iCCup National Tournaments forum post
ICCup.com - Last season's National Tourney winners.
ICCup.com - Source

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