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DotA13 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

F4F 3.3 Grand Final

F4F 3.3 R1 F4F 3.3 R3 G1 F4F 3.3 R3 G3
Ukraine Na`Vi Slovakia SGC Denmark shift Slovakia SGC Slovakia SGC Denmark shift
Lanes Lanes Lanes
Clockwerk NaVi.818 (Top)
Netherdrake NaVi.Ar7Style (Mid)
Morphling NaVi.555 (Bot)
Necro'lic NaVi.333 (Bot)
Crystal Maiden NaVi.397 (Bot)

Necro'lic shift.syndereN (Top)
Crystal Maiden CuN- (Top)
Butcher shift.miggel (Top)
Priestess of the Moon Shift.AngeL (Mid)
Clockwerk shift.Ryze (Bot)

Crystal Maiden Tonicek (Top)
Lightning Revenant SGC.Tulex (Top)
Earthshaker craNich- (Mid)
Necrolyte Iacek (Mid)
Enigma Warlog (Bot)
Slayer SGC.craNich (Top)
Windrunner SGC.Tulex (Top)
Vengeful Spirit SGC.Tnci (Top)
Lich SGC.Iacek (Mid)
Lone Druid SGC.Warlog (Bot)

Lightning Revenant SGC.Tulex (Top)
Vengeful Spirit Tonicek (Top)
Doom Bringer Iacek (Mid)
Windrunner Warlog (Bot)
Enchantress craNich- (Top Jungle)

Windrunner shift.Ryze (Top)
Batrider shift.miggel (Mid)
Priestess of the Moon Shift.AngeL (Bot)
Tormented Soul shift.syndereN (Bot)
Venomancer CuN- (Bot)
Gamemode: -ap
Length: 38:17

Gamemode: -apzm
Length: 14:16

Gamemode: -cmzm
Length: 46:59

Overall Strategy
When looking at the strategies used by SGC, you easily notice their lack of hard carries and abundance of nuking power; but also worth noting is their strong tendency to stick to the tri-lane (which can be both easy and hard laned) at any cost; showing no real flexibility to initiate either a roam or lane swap; a choice which can seem odd as their lineup and strategy evolves around gaining more experience than the opposition. Something we can especially notice in their third game against shift.
• Trilane
• Nuking
• Weak lategame

Key heroes:
• Lich
• Vengeful Spirit
• Windrunner
Early GameMid GameLate Game
Looking at SGC's early-game we can see they usually play with a trilane, but can transform into a semi-trilane if needed. More likely than not, they also deny the oppositions pullcamp before creep spawn; thereby achieving to gain an edge in the team-experience fight; a strategy that they do not fully commit to due to the insistence on a trilane as well as continues harass of opposition, thereby drawing creep aggro, resulting in pushing the lane.
This is what their entire strategy comes down to. Especially the time from the 10th to the 15th minute mark is essential. It is here they fully neglect any map control in order to excessively control all three lanes, shutting down the opposing carries; forcing them to regroup and granting themselves a window in which they can do whatever they want.
Looking at their defence against a push, we can see they very much like to defend this head-on, and not through either map control (essential when ganking) or counter pushing. This shows again when it is their time to push, where they more often than not push all five together, but have a tendency of having a single hero slightly out of position.
Seeing as they have no hard carry, there is not much to say about their lategame possibilities.
It is however noteworthy that are having between one and two midgame oriented DPS heroes (most of the times Windrunner) backed up by a damage amplifying hero (most likely Vengeful Spirit), and therefore have a pseudo lategame carry.
PsychologyTeamfightsFarm Distribution
When talking about their psychology, we can make the assumption that they are very weak here; illustrated by their first game against shift.
However, this is really not the reason for the headline; contrary, we will be looking at the psychologically impact they induce their opponents with, in terms of staying out of sight.
Here we can easily see the problem with the lane dominance strategy they are running. A dominance which forces them to be on the lane most of the time, and therefore each gank are easily predicted, leaving the opposition to farm without worry for much of the time. It is however also noteworthy that most of the ganks happens through the runespots or their immediate surrounding, making the two most common warding spots more than enough to have constant vision of all five heroes.
When looking at their teamfights, it is noteworthy that far from all their games contain a dedicated teamfight hero (Earthshaker, Enigma), and close to none contains a teamfight controlling heroes (Faerie Dragon, Dark Seer); they do however have a liking of positional spells (Shackleshot, Light Strike Array, Split Earth) which can to some degree cover this.
Looking at their teamfight ingame, it is worth noting that due to the midgame dispositional tendency they have, they tend to have a rather bad position in the teamfights.
The farm distribution is rather equal amongst the carries, with the two supports more likely than not falling far behind; a strategy which is very standard on a midgame oriented strategy.

F4F 3.2 R4 G1 F4F 3.3 R1 PL XIV Final G1
Denmark MYM Ukraine Na´Vi Denmark MYM Sweden FEARZ Europe GGnet Denmark MYM
Lanes Lanes Lanes
Windrunner CUTNPASTE (Top)
Necrolyte ATeam.3223 (Mid)
Lone Druid MYM.Razer.Maelk (Bot)
Prophet MYM.Razer.Pstr (Bot)
Earthshaker MYM.Razer.MaNia (Bot)

Dark Seer MYM.Razer.Maelk (Bot)
Priestess of the Moon MYM.Razer.DeMoN (Top)
Earthshaker MYM.Razer.MaNia (Top)
Witch Doctor MYM.Razer.Pstr (Top)
Shadow Fiend MYM.Razer.Missy (Mid)

Crystal Maiden GGnet.Miracle (Top)
Tinker GGnet.KuroKy (Top)
Demon Witch GGnet_AZEN01 (Mid)
Enchantress GGnet.Puppey (Jungle)
Clockwerk GGnet.Pajkatt (Bot)
Lich NAVI.818 (Top)
Beastmaster NaVi.555 (Mid)
Spectre NaVi.Ar7Style (Bot)
Necro'lic NaVi.333 (Bot)
Crystal Maiden NaVi.397 (Bot)

Lich chichi.mma (Top)
Beastmaster FEARZ.henke (Mid)
Tidehunter Robin_Vanguard (Top)
Windrunner Alexander_Hood (Bot)
Morphling FEARZ.Wall (Top)

Beastmaster MYM.Razer.DeMoN (Mid)
Lich MYM.Razer.KingA (Bot)
Ancient Apparition MYM.Razer.Pstr (Top)
Spectre MYM.Razer.Missy (Top)
Enigma MYM.Razer.MaNia (Jungle)
Gamemode: -ap
Length: 33:04

Gamemode: -cm
Length: 87:32

Gamemode: -apzm
Length: 30:28

Overall Strategy
MYM, a team that has existed for so long, that they have been known for playing any strategy. For the past... long time! ... they have been famous for their split pushes. However the past few months they have been slowly transitioning out of this mid-game pushing strategy and into a more balanced strategy, where they focus on ganking in the mid game in order to gain the advantage in the late game.
To accurately describe the strategy of MYM is rather impossible unless you simply just use the word "flexible". Due to them having six high profile players, all with a great deal of adaptation skills, they can take on the mantle of both Global, pushing, teamfight controling, ganking as well as turtling strategies. Their solo mid can either be heavily ganking, or a standard farming one, and they can even form a dual roaming or jungling strategy; as said, only one word truly describe them: Flexible.
• Versatile
• Makes few mistakes
• Superior midgame

Key heroes:
• Furion
• Earthshaker
• Spectre
• Shadow Fiend
• PotM
• Ancient Apparition
Early GameMid GameLate Game
Probably the weakest phase in the MYM repertoire. Mostly defined by a defensive trilane with constant pulls; and one very active support in terms of ganking.
The MYM early game mostly evolves around securing most farm possible for their main carry, leaving the mid lane rather unattended and with possibility of roam towards the solo lane, in which they have quite a big repertoire of heroes to lane.
As with most of the top European teams, the midgame is the phase for MYM. It is here they used to initiate their dreadful split push, and it is here that some of their most iconic heroes (Shadow Fiend, PotM etc) has their prime game.
It is also in this phase that MYM relies a great deal on their solo mid to gank; something other teams has decided not to do since it sacrifices a lot of farm.
In the recent, MYM has however been moving away from the split pushes, an into more of a ganking into pushing strategy, designed to shut down the enemy main carry and thereafter draw maximum attention in order to give their own carry the most amount of farm as possible.
Although they use most of their efforts in the midgame, they do this in order to ensure their lategame; meaning that even though they should fail at the midgame, they always have a backup plan to rely on.
It is important here to note, that in this phase, they constantly have a support dedicated to only following the carry, ready to sacrifice himself for the survival of the carry.
This however gives a lot of freedom to the rest of the team, which they use to a great effect; defending their own base as much as possible indirectly. This is mainly done by either pushing or threaten to push a different lane, forcing the opposition to stay defensive and maintain control over all three lanes.
PsychologyTeamfightsFarm Distribution
This is probably one of the most hidden traits of the professional scene; looking from the eyes of the public, and something that MYM has trained to perfection: The art of staying hidden.
By constantly having a hero pulling the creep camp, and the other hero either roaming or staying in the jungle, ready to support the carry, MYM has secured themselves a great deal of psychological advantage; people simply just do not know where they are, forcing them to stay defensive as they are constantly fearing a gank. This is even more shown in the midgame, where their solo mid hero tends to have a long walk around the common runespots before ganking.
Looking into the teamfight, you can clearly sense the experience and confidence which is MYM; minimizing their mistakes, and thus giving their fifth hero enough time to either completely afk farm, or taking a few waves more.
When talking about the farm distribution, MYM has two methods they are using. One is where they leave no farm at all to their two support heroes, focuses on one hero to get all the farm possible, and having the last two heroes scrambling farm whenever possible.
The other method which is relatively new (was used by MYM back in the old day too though) is where they have one pure support and four semi carries who splits the farm (although one carry are slightly above the rest).

25 % 75

May 21th - 17.00 CET

GosuBet Comments
MYM is the more experienced of the two teams, but SGC has been pulling some interesting results their recent games. Betters will probably value the brand of MYM and the weight their famous stars carry and the tangos will probably end up in the likes of 25-75 in MYM's favour. However, the real winner can be anyone, as both teams have shown evidence of great play. It's just a matter of who comes into the game better prepared.

Farm 4 Fame 3.3 Tournament Overview

Farm 4 Fame 3.3 Semi Finals Analysis

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