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General12 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Battle at MoW: get outPlayed Day 1 Write-Up

The first day of the tournament was for me personally better than I expected. I had a place to eat, PC station to work from provided by the Ministry of Win, but that's just me.

I heard that the stream quality was rather poor and I still don't know what was the reason. Apparently some settings weren't correct for whatever reason; I hope that today is going to be better. At the beginning of this paragrap I said that "I heard" because I haven't seen even one full game yesterday as I was trying to update both our live blog and liquipedia page. Didn't work out as planned, but at least I was trying.

Funny story: Around 2am me and Breathe decided to play 2v2, but Maciej said that on his signal he will attack one of my drones with his and if I'm going to lose it he will quit the game instantly. Believe me when I said that I tried... but completely forgot about the drone after just few minutes and heard Breath telling me from the other side of the room "you lost your drone" and all I saw was him leaving the game, which made a sad panda :( Then instead of leaving me alone he stood begind my back and constantly kept making remarks about how bad I am and that I have no skills at all. Professional players are nice they said... bull...

During different offline events we constantly keep hearing about pros who got drunk and barely could play the next day (hey Stephano!), but in case of Battle at MoW it was the opposite. None of the players took even sip of alcohol, some of them went to bed really early, but some of them played till like 3am or even longer (Snute was still playing when everyone else left the room).

I'm super pumped for Day 2 here at Battle at Ministry of Win: get outPlayed. Tune in to our streams, follow our live blog and have fun!

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