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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

BW4eVeR Invite #2

[s]event[/s]This is probably the most important tournament held in the western world this year so far. It will be starting in a few hours (16.00 GMT, 17.00 CET, 11.00 am EST, 1.00 am Korean time) and it has some features that make it even more special. One is the caliber of the participants. 32 Titans will clash it out for the glory. You will probably see many of these names do battle again very soon at WCG 2004.

Another feature is that it is going to be held at Neogamei. This is clear message and a statement in itself of the top gamers to our community here in the western world. We are finally truly battle.net independent and if Blizzard will not give us what we have clamored for so many years, a hack free ladder environment, the community of starcraft gamer will and has forged many alternatives.

Being a BW4EVER event it will also have shoutcast broadcasted both in German and English with developments of the tournament.

The tournament originally was going to be for the sportsmanship and glory but at the Latin Gamers LG) has generously offered a prize of 50 Euro cash price for the winner of the tourney, in the way of sponsorship.

The tournament will be covered by Broodwar.de, BW4EVER.com and of course we will also be keeping a close eye on it. Germany InFiNitY[pG] has done a superb job gathering the competidors and organizing it with the support of the folks at BW4Ever and Broodwar.de, Germany BW4eVeR.Dark, Germany BW4eVeR.Mengsk and Germany BW4eVer.Kalash.

They will be using probably this map pack with a few changes only
» BW4EVER Invite tourney #2 Map pack
Check the final roster at » BW4EVER.

I truly hope they pull it off successfully without glitches and I am dying for the replays! You have to watch out for Germans in general when they get organized!

Vielen Gluck!

http://InScene.musik-radio.org - Shoutcast Link
Broodwar.de - Best German Broodwar Site
BW4EVER.com - Best German International Ladder

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