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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

BWscanner for ALL!

BWscanner, made by Italy TraveltoAiur, will soon be available for all Battle.net gateways and any private server that desires it. This in short spells doom and panic for your average hacker, at least until they find a way around this very sophisticated and smart anti-hacking tool, that fortunately can be updated if such need would arise. No one has done more to fight hacking than this nobleman. Three cheers for him!

As a fog of war worshipper I can not contain nor describe my excitement and happiness. Later I am off to celebrate! I will leave you with a quote of TraveltoAuir own words.

"Since I've been reading so many things about it I'd like to clear this up. Actually bwscanner is available over the Stargate server only. Why is this happening?

The older server written in vb didn't allow to host more than a bot on a single server, which meant BWScanner being available only on Europe.

Then, what's new now is that BWScanner will be soon on all official battle.net servers, 100% compatible with the new 1.11 version, 100% Mac compatible, and with a fixed bug which used to report players using Korean windows OS versions as hackers (Thank you Frozen!).
If any of you, korean players, were reported as a hacker, please forgive me, it's my fault and I hope that won't happen again.

If you're running a private server, my program will be able to place a bot there too,like in Stargate now and soon in PGTour's one. It's the part of the program players can't see but which requires the most of the work.

Sorry to keep you waiting a little more then and see you soon on www.bwscanner.com"

TL.net - Source
Entropyzero.org - Fog of War Worshiper's Shrine of TraveltoAuir
BWscanner.com - Home of the BWscanner

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