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BlizzCon: Battleground Tournaments


King-of-the-Hill Tournament to hit BlizzCon. Players will be able to sunk some Developer noggin' into the dirt ... Gotta love some Dev Slam Dunk Whooping!

BlizzCon, Blizzard's inaugural gaming convention, will feature a king-of-the-hill tournament on World of Warcraft's newest battleground: the Arathi Basin.

Players can join as part of a full pre-chosen team, as a small group, or as an individual in a pickup team. After each match, the players on the winning team will keep their seats while the losing team members give up their bank of computers to the next challengers.

In all, there will be three concurrent matches of Arathi Basin going on all day during both days of the convention. The team that retains its status as Kings of the Basin for the most consecutive wins will face the ultimate challenge on each day of the show: a battle against a team of World of Warcraft developers. In addition, there will be other prizes for teams that win multiple consecutive matches.

For full rules and information visit the link below

BlizzCon.com - Rules

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