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StarCraft17 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Winner, IdrA, deal with eSTRO?


IdrA, interviewed after winning eSTRO's SuperStars Tournament and asked about his options for this summer and his opinion on getting a deal with eSTRO. Read on.

Greg, IdrA, Fields is the winner of the SuperStars tournament. Only losing one game throughout all his matches and winning in the end. Interviewed by his teammate Artosis[media], he asks IdrA's plans about Korea and what are the determining factors on whether he will join the Korean team.


You are currently a senior in High School, and are planning on going to Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute next year on a scholarship. eSTRO seems to want to have a player over there within the next month or so. If chosen, how will you deal with school? Will your parents be supportive of your choice?


Well that mostly depends on the timing and nature of the eSTRO deal. If they intend to give me a legit shot at becoming a progamer, giving me enough time to settle in and really practice, then i will try to set back enrolling in college a year and give progaming a shot. However if they just want me for a publicity stunt I wont interrupt school for it, I might just go over the summer or something. I think my parents will be supportive as long as I can work out an acceptable arrangement with my school.
- A snippet of the interview on mediaesports.com

Also featured on the page is a pack of IdrA's replays, you can download it below. The replays are from the SuperStars tournament with players Dino, G5, Nony, and Skew.

TeamLiquid.net - Primary Source
MediaESports.com - Secondary Source + Replay Package

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