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General13 years agoMarius "LML" Z

The second qualifier lies ahead

It's just been a couple of days that you were able to qualify for a spot in the GosuCup Season 1 Groupstage or that you watched Sayle cast games from the tournament and we are aleady heading to the next qualifier.

This Sunday, October 30, at 19CET the second of six qualifiers will take place. We are hosting it on iCCup in the channel GosuGamers and everyone is invited to sign up and play. But don't forget that you have to check in up to 45 minutes before the tournament starts.

As mentioned before the mappool will have a slight change each week, which will consist of one map being replaced for that particular week.
The standard mappool consists of Alternative 1.3, Neo Beltway 2.0, New Bloody Ridge 2.1, Neo Aztec 2.1 and Circuit Breakers 1.0 and this week we will replace Alternative 1.3 with either Dante's Peak SE2.0, Neo Medusa 2.2 or New Empire of the Sun 2.0 and it's in your hands which of these maps will replace Alternative.
In order to give your vote go the StarCraft section of GosuGamers.net and scroll down until you can see the poll and place your vote.
We will decide on the map on Saturday evening so any votes placed after then will not be taken into regard anymore.
A mappack is available already which includes all of those three and the original five maps. Download it here.

If you would like to rewatch, or even watch for the first time, Sayle's cast from last Sunday you can either go to his twitch.tv channel to see the whole VOD or go to his YouTube Channel which holds all of the cut VOD's named by who is in them.

In order to take a look at the bracket where you can also download the replays of the matches by clicking on the magnifying glass when hovering a game or simply want to sign up for the next qualifier go to the GosuCup Season 1 Tournament over at our tournament platform.

Please make sure to read the rules beforehand to avoid any incidents or possible rule violations.

The next tournament will also be casted live by Sayle over at his twitch.tv channel so tune in on Sunday evening at 19CET if you don't feel like playing but watching others play for your entertainment and their own, aswell as a chance at the $100 and a spot in the second season which will hold a total of $500.

play.gosugamers.net - Sign up now and check in up to 45 minutes ahead
dl.dropbox.com - Download the mappack
youtube.com - Sayle's YouTube channel

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