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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Rekrul's Korea Stories Part 2


You may well know United States Rekrul, the American Protoss Player who managed to get a part of the former team Hexatron. When he discovered that being a pro-gamer isn't the type of life he imagined, he wrote a text about pro-gaming, and life in general in Korea.

fed4e817738968408db390c5249ca58fe0c27b23170bca1f012878479eRekrul will be going back to United States Troy, Ohio on the 16th this month and has just completed a new thread about life in Korea. If you liked the former post of Rekrul and missed details about Korea apart from pro-gaming and life there in general, you may well be interested in reading Dan Schreiber's newest post.
Apart from just interesting facts like the night life in Korea, Rekrul put in jokes and kind of tips for foreigners if they once manage to visit South Korea South Korea.

In this country you'll stick out like a sore thumb so I hope you ooze confidence and don't give a crap if you know everyone is looking at you thinking "OH LOOK MOMMY! A MONKEY!!SO INTERESTING!!!!"

After being the first who officially criticized the life as a pro-gamer, Rekrul now managed to give us a good insight in his life in Korea. His newest post is more personal, informative while still funny. Rekrul will be staying in the United States United States for a month now and then move back and study Korean, while he is still searching for what he should do in his life.
We suggest: Write more posts about Korea!
Don't miss Rekrul's post » here

teamliquid.net - Original Post of Rekrul

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