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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

The Deed


We need a small favor. We want you to put in your battle.net profile a link to our site. Simply to copy-paste https://www.gosugamers.net or the link of your favorite Starcraft site into the large box in your profile, which ever one that may be. That’s it. They deserve it. It is the least you can do.

Note from the author: When I mention "Melee" game I mean non-money-melee gaming (1500 or less minerals per patch). "Melee" is a customary traditional term used in the English speaking community when refering to non-money melee maps. Apparently also known as "low map" in European communities. When I mention "BGH" or "money map" (usually unlimited amount of minerals per patch for all practical purposes) - I put in the same bag all money maps and fastest type UMS. This article is in no way intended to offend money map players or BGHers.

The fact that BGH and money maps are still the number one choice in Battle.net still surprises me. It amazes why one would chose to pick the simpler forms of our game over Melee. Now think of all those new players joining for their first time Battle.net. What do they see? How many Melee games can they see? How long you think they wait for a Melee game? I think you are getting the point. It is a viscious circle that has, with time, feed upon itself due to the unfortunate popularity of the mother of all evil: BGH. At least from a Melee’s player perspective.

The phenomenon has become so pervasive that a huge number of the Melee players today, were initial BGH players. In a way, they graduated from BGH, into Melee. You will even hear such arguments voiced by many in the community: “first you play BGH, then advance to Melee” or and even this one that brings tears to my eyes, “to become good at Melee, you have to be a good at BGH first” etc.. I remember when I started playing; every game out there was Melee and you could always even find 10 team Melee games listed. Those were the days.

Playing BGH teaches you BGH. Playing any form of Starcraft teaches you something about starcraft. Only through Melee playing will you ever get any good at Melee on a serious level. I do not want this to end up as discussion of which is better, so please spare us all such distinctions. BGH is in no need for help, nor are we Melee players. The ones who need help are all those new players just joining the game, specially those who don’t have an older brothers who played starcraft and can show them the golden path (Zelotito’s family being the exception.)

Try the following experiment, go to Battle.net and join a few fastest or money-map and start asking people if they know gg.net or tl.net. Or ask them to recommend you a good site. You will be amazed how many players out there do not have a clue what these sites are. It is not a small number, it is huge. Don't believe me? Feel free to ask around. You will find a good number of people who do not even know what "WCG" is.

So where is this all leading too? A small favor for the community. Gosugamers.net has been since its early starts always the product of the voluntary work of Starcraft gamers. This work has been donated to this site in a non stop manner by all its present crew, old crew members and its community members. We have hardly ever asked for anything in return, except that you stop by every now and then, read our news and more importantly - participate. This time we ask however something from the community. We want you to put in your battle.net profile a link to our site. Simply to copy-paste in the large box of your profile: https://www.gosugamers.net . That’s it.

Gosugamers.net would benefit greatly from such a favor, or for that matter so will WGTour or Teamliquid.net. It really does not matter which site you chose even though we would love you put the link of our site in you battle.net profile. Help us promote sites where it is all about Melee games. Though we may have our personal preferences, it does not matter if it is WGTour, TL.net or GG.net. If ten thousand of us show up in battle.net with such links, in few months there will be 100,000 lost newbies who will finally see a different light and be offered a new home. Do this also for your favorite sites, they deserve it. It is the least you can do.

Roger out,

[email protected]

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