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General11 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Vulcun with a comeback for the LCS NA third place

Dropping game one to Curse didn't affect Vulcun much and by capitalizing on their opponents' mistakes they walk out $15,000 richer.

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Besides the surprising role switches from Vulcun - with Zuna taking Shen, SychoSid playing Zed jungle and Mandatorycloud picking Draven - nothing worth mentioning happened in the first few minutes of the game and first blood only came around the 13th minute mark. From there on, the fuse was lit and kills started raining.

While Vulcun held their ground extremely well despite the role switches, they did fail to contain one particular member of Vulcun - Nyjacky and his Karthus. By getting a few early kills, the Karthus grew a tremendous threat which Vulcun could not oppose for the better part of the game. By the time Vulcun found a way to shoot down Nyjacky it was already too late: Curse were embracing these deaths, even aiming towards them, knowing that such potent Defile field would spell death for their opponents.

Although sitting on an explosive DPS levels, Curse never took any risks and approached the closing stages of the game slowly and patiently. Exploiting fundamental mistakes in Zuna's split pushing - such as being away from his team while Stand United is down - Curse made increasingly favorable trades, took down one inhibitor after another and ultimately steamrolled in for the kill.

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Curse were in control of game two right from the start and the cooperation between Voyboy and SaintVicious brought grief not only to SychoSid but across all lanes too. With three towers to zero and 9-3 kills shortly after the 10th minute mark, it all looked like a surrender at 20 game for Vulcun.

This was when Curse started to whiff team fights and after losing baron as well as their tower advantage their lead was completely thrown down the dumpsters. Their late-game presence consisted of Tristana only while Vulcun were in possession of fed Kog'Maw and Ryze and SaintVicious' crew were eventually put in a checkmate position, despite Cop's firepower.

Near the 50th minute mark the last throw of Curse for this game happened and they were cleaned three for one on Vulcun's mid lane. Realizing this is there chance to tie the score, the boys in red and black sprinted towards Curse's inhibitor and raised it to the ground.


By winning game two, Vulcun entered the final set blooming with confidence and it showed. Pressure was applied to the start and soon enough Curse were shoved into a 7K gold disadvantage and they were desperately looking for opportunities to catch up.

One such change presented itself after a team fight went bad for Vulcun and Curse rushed into the baron pit. Their DPS took the objective down relatively quickly and Curse started to plan their retreat but that is where the respawned members of Vulcun collapsed onto them. Four Curse members were deleted, essentially nullifying the bonus they just won.

Those weren't Curse's only troubles, however, as another one was split pushing bot lane 24/7 - Sid's Vladimir. For the better part of the game, SaintVicious and co had no answer to Vladimir's farming - despite running a Nocturne/Shen with a Teleport Ryze - and their inhibitor eventually crumbled. Once Sid finished his job, he joined the rest of his team and wiped Summoner's Rift with Curse, winning the $15,000 and the third place of LCS NA Spring.

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