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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers


The plans for a new name of GosuGamers and a new version has been in our heads ever since WCG Sweden 2003. Sweden Bizkit and I were discussing the future of the site and decided, back then, that sometime in the future we were changing name.

This is mainly because of two things;

1. We did not own the domain name

For those of you who remember GosuGamers changing from .net to .com might remember us joining a Swedish gaming network. Without going into details, we feel that we were tricked by them when they bought the .com domain for us as a gift and later on decided that they would keep it in their ownership. Ever since then, about two years ago, we have been running our own race but always knowing that we eventually would have to do something about it. Very recently it reached its peak and we decided that now must be the time to change domain, and you just have to believe me when I say that there was no way whatsoever we could get it back.

2. Opening for other games but still focusing mainly on StarCraft

First of all, we will never abandon StarCraft. Why we did not simply switch to again and continued our work there was because that would mean we continued being attached to the development of StarCraft. We, just as you do, do not see any possible way the game will decrease in popularity and will most likely continue as strong as ever for the upcoming five years. Nevertheless, there are great new titles coming out from Blizzard and many of our readers play them all and keep on mixing. We decided now that when we change domain and design, we wanted to do it for real and remove any future obstacles such as being locked to one game only. Though as you can see, we're intending to continue being your best news source for StarCraft things and will work to grow even better with this new version of our site.

The name and its future

We have strong reasons to believe that will be used by the current Swedish owner to start a community site looking very much like ours. We do not yet know how soon or what language that site will be in, however we ask you to help us spread the word that the domain name does not belong to us anymore and anything run in that name in the future will not be run by us. Please share this to everyone and give out our new .net address instead;

Is this the new version?

In design, yes. In programming and functionality, no, unforunately not. We will however still call it version three since most will associate the new name and design with new function. When the actual code change of all functions will take place we do not know yet but we are working with it constantly and replacing the old code with our new one. This means that the site, at the moment, works exactly like it always did except for a new design on it. Right now there are also several bugs at the site - we are aware of that - and we are working hard to correct them all. If you see anything that is worth to report, please send me a PM.


There are two reasons why we did not want to sell t-shirts just yet. One is for you obvious now, we did not want to use the old domain name since we did not own it. The second reason was one that came up far later; Blizzard would not let us. The probe is according to them copyrighted and they would not give us a license for such a, in their eyes, minor production. It is too much hazzle for them to make signed deals with every site that wishes to use their design. Therefore we have decided to make our own new probe logotype which will be pr

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