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Things about Summoner's Rift that not everyone know.


  1. All minions deal 50% more damage to turrets and 40% less damage to champions
  2. When baron buffed, all minions movement speed increase to 90% of average movement speed of nearby champions, slow resistance and additional certain buff

Super Minions

  1. Gives 40% more damage to other nearby friendly minions
  2. Gives 40 armor and magic resist to other nearby friendly minions
  3. Deal about 80% less damage to nexus
  4. Hand of baron: 25% attack speed

Siege minions

Hand of baron: +50 attack damage, +600 attack range, attack Speed is halved, attacks are now AoE (200 range) and deals double damage to turrets

Castor minions

Hand of Baron: Take 75% reduced damage from AoE spells, +20 attack damage, +50% missile speed and +100 attack range

Melee minions

Hand of Baron: Take 75% reduced damage from AoE spells, +75 attack range, +75% damage reduction versus champions and minions, +30% damage reduction versus turrets (similar to siege minions)

Turrets and Inhibitors

  1. When you attack a turret, inhibitor or nexus with a Basic Attack, you will deal damage equal to your base AD plus EITHER your bonus AD OR 40 % of your AP, whichever is highest
  2. Turret attacks against champions deal 100%, 140%, 180%, and 220% damage to fourth hit and beyond
  3. Inhibitors will only take 85% damage from champions

Baron and Dragon

  1. Baron's "auto attack" debuffs last champion it hits which reduces their all damage output against baron by 50%, for 15 sec (Same as Phantom Dancer passive)
  2. Dragons have 30% armor penetration
  3. Attacks of dragons deal bonus physical damage equal to 7% of the target's current health
  4. Dragons have 20% bonus damage and 7% damage reduction per stack against champions who has dragon slayer stacks

Thats all folks. Not included duh stats that are stated in-game tooltip.

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