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Nicest enemy team I ever met

There was a Tahm Kench who relentlessly trolled me in a game where I was playing Kindred jungle.

He spent the entire game eating and smiting away my camps, making it very difficult for me to farm. Luckily, the Xin Zhao was nice enough to "guard" my camps for me, killing the Tahm Kench but leaving me alone to farm my jungle. However, we still got stomped due to how far behind I was. I called for an early surrender vote, but Tahm denied it as expected.

A few seconds later, a surrender vote went through. I was shocked, I thought Tahm had denied the early surrender. Then I realized. The ENEMY team had done an early surrender. They told us something along the lines of "Didn't want you guys to start your New Year badly". I was amazed at the kindness they showed, but of course Tahm had to ruin it.

In the post-game lobby, he claimed that he had done this strategy before, and once in a while it would end in an enemy team surrender, exactly what had just happened. To make things worse, he claimed that him and I were a duo, doing this in every game that we queued up for, hoping that the enemy team would feel bad enough to surrender.

Of course, I furiously denied these allegations, and even sent screenshots of how the "add friend" option was still available on his profile, meaning that he wasn't on my friend's list.

I made this post to appreciate the kindness of my team (names removed to avoid witch hunting Tahm). But especially to the Xin Zhao who guarded my camps, reassured me in chat, and I assume he was the one to start the surrender vote. I know I probably would have not done the same.

Edit: took out Tahms name and match history to avoid witch hunt

Edit 2: removed enemy team's names to avoid detectives witch hunting tahm

Edit 3: Here's a pic of the match history with the names blacked out

Update: Tahm has been punished.

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