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On this day, 4 years ago, Gambit won the tiebreaker against Samsung to move into quarters.

At season 3 worlds Gambit was part of a 5 team group also containing Fnatic, Vulcun, Mineski and Samsung Galaxy Ozone from Korea. The teams played each other twice and after 8 games Fnatic was on top going 7-1 (only losing to Vulcun once).

Gambit and Samsung who split their 2 matches and each went 0-2 against FNC were tied at 2nd place with a 5-3 record. A tiebreaker was needed to determine who advances into Quarters which Gambit ended up winning.

This still marks the only time a Korean team did not make it out of groups at worlds and also the origin of the "Dade award" who was the midlaner for Samsung at that time.

Fun fact: The exact same Samsung lineup minus Dade (who went to Samsung Blue) won Season 4 worlds under the name Samsung White.

This is the match for anyone interested. Absolute classic with Darien on Aatrox, Diamond on Eve, Alex Ich on Season 3 freelo Kassadin, Genja on Kog Maw and Voidle on Zyra.

For Samsung: Looper on Elise, DanDy on Lee Sin, dade on TF, imp on Varus and Mata on Sona.

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