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Locodoco joins Team Liquid

Photo by Team SoloMid

After stepping down as Team SoloMid’s head coach, Choi “Locodoco” Yoon-sub will be leaving the team completely to join Team Liquid as a future content creator.

In June of 2014, Locodoco was brought into Team SoloMid as the team’s head coach. Formerly an attack damage carry player, he and Korean support, Ham “Lustboy” Jang-sik, were recruited into TSM’s line-up to help the team strive in North America’s LCS summer split. From then on, the coveted NA team would continue to prove themselves as one of NA’s best, placing 3rd in summer split and making playoffs in 2014’s Worlds, where they would be defeated by Samsung Galaxy Blue. In 2015, TSM placed 1st in NA’s LCS spring split, awarding Locodoco spring split’s best coach award.

Upon hitting the summer split, TSM began to see a downward spiral in performance. For several weeks of July, Locodoco was brought down from the head coach position to be temporarily substituted by team owner, Andy “Reginald” Dinh. TSM would go on to fall further, only placing 5th in the LCS summer split, but managing to land 2nd place in the playoffs, securing them a spot in group D of Worlds 2015. As groups drew to a close, TSM ended with a sad record of 1-5, removing them from the tournament.

Upon the ending of season 5, TSM announced the large majority of its roster holding tryouts, including top, jungle, ADC, support, and head coach. As Worlds ended, TSM announced that former Counter Logic Gaming ADC, Yilliang “Doublelift” Peng, would be joining the organization. Now, on November 13th of 2015, NA’s Team Liquid released a vlog from Locodoco explaining that the former head coach is being brought on to the organization purely as a content creator, rather than a member of the coach staff.

It is not yet known just what Locodoco’s role on TL will fully entail, or just how long a position such as this will last him. Still, the Korean import has quite the lustrous career to his name, and will still hold a place in the history of the LCS.

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