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Yellowstar leads Fnatic to reclaim Europe

Image credit: Fnatic

In a best of 5 series that was a lot closer than many had expected, Fnatic win their 4th LCS title since the introduction of the League. However for everyone but Yellowstar it's their first title in their first LCS split ever.

With yet another crazy pocket pick from Tristan "Power of Evil" Schrage playing Varus in the mid lane the Unicorns played out their composition really well in game one and executed almost flawlessly, even though support Zdravets "Hylissang" Galabo was banned out from his MVP champion picks.

In game two Fnatic responded playing their classic style with Seong "Huni" Hoon Heo playing his feared Rumble and Kim "Reignover" Ui-jin going back to his comfort Rek'Sai picking up a Quadrakill in the mid game, basically deciding the game right there and then.

In game three UoL made the mistake of giving Huni his best carry champion Hecarim. The game started out with Tamás "Vizicsacsi" Kiss falling behind heavily on his Irelia and never really being able to recover from his 0/4/0 start to the game. Also Power of Evil couldn't impact the game playing the nerfed Syndra. With some clutch engages from ReignOver and good teleport play from Huni Fnatic slaughters Unicorns (how cruel) with a 39:14 kill score in the end.

It seemed that Fnatic had the moment to close out the Finals here in game four and become the Champions once again. But the Unicorns of Love drafted really smart and got a great composition: Maokai, Sejuani, Orianna, Sivir, Thresh. They severely punish Hunis smite/tp Shyvana all game long and dont let Febiven get rolling on his Kassadin and walk all over Fnatic. After just 28 minutes UoL crushes Fnatic 16:2.

In the last game it felt like now anything might happen. Both teams went for similar compositions with neither one getting a significant advantage, except maybe Huni getting his Rumble again. 
The game developed slowly but after a perfect wombo combo at a dragon fight from Fnatic the game was decided. Even though it took them a lot longer than neccessary to close out the game and the victory music had to be cancelled because UoL would seemingly come back with a brilliant engage from Kikis the over 10k gold lead was too much to handle for the Unicorns and Fnatic would destroy their Nexus after a perfect ace.

The King(s) of Europe are back once more.

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