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LMQ remain dominant, and Curse methodically beat CLG, NA LCS WK10 Day1 Recap


LMQ manage to comeback from an early defeciet to defeat Complexity, and TSM are able to dismantle Evil Geniuses. Cloud 9 also manage to win after making a large comeback when defeating Dignitas, and Curse are able to beat CLG in a decisive manner.



-First place LMQ played Seventh place Complexity in the first game of the day. Prolly is able to get a solo kill onto XaioWeiXaio and the Complexity bottom lane is able to get a kill onto Vasilli, giving Complexity a large early advantage. However, LMQ sets up a pick onto the bottom lane and is able to get kills onto RobertXLee and Kez.

Complexity still holding a lead don't use their power spikes properlly and cannot capitalize on mistakes by LMQ, resulting in LMQ coming back into the game by winning teamfights. Once LMQ took a lead they pressed al ltheir advantages, and were able to end the game quickly after winning a few teamfights to hold their number one spot in the NA LCS.


-TSM with their new support Lustboy played Evil Genuises in the second game of the day. TSM and EG played the early game very similar and stayed even until TSM was able to take an uncontested dragon for a slight edge. With their slight edge TSM take 2 turrets in bottom lane and then start a fight where they ace EG in a 3 for 5 trade. 

This huge influx of gold gave TSM such a large advantage, and TSM played their advantage calmly. Slowly pushing objectives and keeping good ward control to secure consecutive objectives, and finally closing out the game with a good team fight initiated by TSM to end the game.


- A resurget looking Cloud 9 played a struggling Dignitas in the third game of the day. Dignitas begins the game by getting the first dragon 9 minutes in and then taking first blood 14 minutes in. The game swings further into Dignitas's favor when they take a 3-0 trade, dragon, and baron.

However, Cloud 9 play the map extremely well and are able to make a few picks and even zone Dignitas off to secure the baron when it respawns. Afterwards, Cloud 9 are able to take their advantage and press it much more effectively than Dignitas was able to by consistently taking objectives, by out rotating Dignitas. Cloud 9 are able to slowly push down each lane and take their fifth straight victory.


- The final game of the day was between an out of form CLG and an impressive looking Curse. Curse gets first blood onto dexter at his second blue buff spawn, the Curse botlane gets a kill 2v2 in botlane, and Curse gets dragon all withing 5 minutes of each other to take a huge lead. Afterwards, CLG tried several different plays to come back but to no avail and Curse slowly chokes out all the resources on the map.

After taking a second baron and a fifth dragon Curse sets up a siege middle lane. While taking getting their turrets taken CLG makes a last ditch effort to comeback with an Orianna ultimate, but Curse was too far ahead and aced CLG and shoved down the remaining turrets to end the game in a decisive fashion.



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