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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Gambit's debut not looking hot in LCS Week 8 Day 1


Gambit's new roster make-up ends up not paying dividends on the first day of super-week as the other bottom teams excel.

The week started off with ROCCAT vs. SK Gaming.  SK Gaming has been doing pretty well this split, but Fnatic have caught up and ROCCAT had an excellent super week.  ROCCAT started out with a lead in the bottom lane, though SK Gaming's composition was late-game oriented.

ROCCAT found superior early rotations, but SK Gaming's team play is never anything to scoff at and they were able to come back. Eventually, ROCCAT maintained their lead in towers and kills and were able to pull the win, starting the first of multiple upsets.

Next was Gambit Gaming vs. Copenhagen Wolves where Gambit tests their replacement talent of Kubon for Darien and Loulex for Diamondprox. Copenhagen Wolves showed both the power of their bottom lane champions and synergy as players by abusing the kill potential of Lucian and Braum, finding an early first blood onto Genja, following it up with another kill once again moments later.

While Gambit found late game engage opportunities late game and picks in the jungle, it was too little too late and they were far behind at the time, leaving little impact.  Copenhagen Wolves made short work of Gambit Gaming and showed their desperation to stay in the LCS and make playoffs.

Supa Hot Crew battled Fnatic next to see if they could stop the massive winstreak Fnatic has been holding.  Fnatic's coordination took precedence as a dive top would put sOAZ very far ahead.  As if one solo lane being ahead wasn't enough, xPeke was also able to pull off a solo kill against Selfie.

With that, Fnatic were looking like a reinvigorated team and easily snowballed their advantage from the early game, ceasing to release their grasp on the game's control.  Fnatic were able to continue their win streak and seize control of the second place spot in the league all by their lonesome.

The final game of the night was a resuring but inconsistent Millenium vs. Alliance, the top placed team that failed to go more than even on super week.  Despite lots of roaming and skirmishes early, no kills were had for the first thirteen minutes of the game.  Crucial kills by alliance allowed them to get the initial advantage and pull ahead 2-0 in towers early on.

Uncharacteristically, late game favored Millenium this time around and they were able to acquire two barons, leaving Alliance no choice but to turtle in their base and attempt to out-scale.  While Alliance's composition featured lots of waveclear, "not losing" is not synonymous to "winning" and Millenium continued keeping the pressure on, closing out the game against the top team in the league.




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