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Sarsky Joins TPA as Starting Jungler

Taipei Assassins has added a new player, Sarsky to the team that will take over the role of the starting Jungler LilBallz.


The Season 2 World Championship winners has made another change to their team and this time in the position of jungler. With this change TPA will now have Sarsky in the starting lineup and Lilballz as a sub,TPA hopes to have a team that can perform stronger in the international events in the latter half of 2013.

Sarsky's dream in joining TPA is to be the best in the world and his performance in game is here to mirror that statement. Boasting an impressive 2399 Elo in season 2 and currently holding top 30 in Challenger League, Starsky plays against difficult opponents daily and can hopefully adjust to this new lifestyle quickly. TPA hopes to keep improving their team with this new addition and retain another title in Season 3.

TPA's starting lineup now consists of: Stanley (Top), Starsky (Jungle), Toyz (AP Carry), Bebe (AD Carry), and Dinter (Support).

Source: TPA's Homepage

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