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Hearthstone4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Rumham's Lightning Bolt Totem Shaman Guide

Lightning Bolt Totem Shaman guide


Hi all! I felt cross-posting this guide which I created for CompetitiveHS to this reddit would be helpful since this deck is surprisingly cheap! 3000 dust and mostly cards you likely already have (only four epics, no legendaries). Most of the rares are from Scholomance. It's a bunch of fun so try it out if you have most of the Scholomance rares!

I’ve been trying to get shaman to work in the current meta for a while now. I don’t think this has legs to be truly competitive quite yet, but I was able to pilot this Lightning Bolt Totem Shaman from diamond to Legend this month. This is RumHam’s list that was surprisingly able to get fairly deep into top legend (around #390). I think honestly the Totem Goliath change and the innovation of using Lightning Bolt was enough to push this into a solidly Tier 2 deck.

So, what’s different about this version of Totem Shaman? No Bloodlust, no Vessina, Lightning Bolts, and a slim totem list (3 totems other than Goliath). Tons of fun!

Unfortunately, I play on mobile, but tried to record my win rates as best as possible — as I was learning the deck I was looking at a ~50% win rate but once I figured out some of the nuances I went 65% from bottom of diamond to Legend (over about 80 games total). HOWEVER, I started doing the math after my 10th game and I was on the play 54% of the time which I would say artificially inflated by win rate by at least a few points (more on that later).

Full Guide and Decklist Below

See below for deck list, full guide link, code, and legend proof:

Full Guide Link

Decklist link AAECAZnDAwKBBIvVAw75A74GnaMD2qUD+aUD/acDta0Dtq0DlrkD4cwDm80DptEDxtED8NQDAA==

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