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Hearthstone8 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Decklist spotlight: All decks from Truesilver Championship top 8

Truesilver Championship 2 might be over, but it's never too late to learn from the deckbuilding prowess of the world's best Hearthstone players.

Two weeks ago, local talent Ness hoisted the Truesilver Championship trophy above his head. Amongst a player pool which relied heavily on standardized decks such as Druid, Zoo, Patrons and Elise Control Warriors, Ness put faith in his favorite Priest class and a very unorthodox midrange DemonLock to overcome the competition.

Below is the full collection of decklists from the top eight playoffs bracket. See it, study it, netdeck it and enjoy the last days of ladder before Standard shakes everything up. 

Germany C4mlann: Druid Zoo Patrons
United States Dog: Tempo Mage • Malygos Rogue Elise Control
Germany Lifecoach: Druid Miracle RogueHandlock
United Kingdom Ness: Druid Priest DemonLock
Czech Republic Pokrovac: DruidZoo Patrons
Sweden Powder: Aggro Druid Aggro ShamanElise Control
Germany Xixo: Anyfin Paladin Zoo Patrons
United States Zalae: Druid Oil RogueZoo

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