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LCS NA Week 6: MVPs and Top Plays


Top Lane

1) Balls

He’s already topped this list three times, and he doesn’t look to be slowing down. Balls is one of the most fearsome top-laners in all of North America right now, and his Shyvana might be the best in the LCS.

There are two things that have made and continue to make Balls such a terrifying top-laner: strong laning and insanely good map presence. He uses Shyvana’s strong pushing to his advantage early, shoving his opponent under tower and mercilessly diving them alongside Meteos for kills and towers. More impressive though is his ability to move around the map seamlessly – he is always in the right place at the right time, split pushing and taking towers but also grouping. He is as dynamic as someone who runs teleport, which is incredible.

He was an absolute terror in both games, with a 5-1-26 record while contributing heavily to teamfights and objective control. Despite being first blooded against Curse he manager to take back the advantage and play his role in the win. There’s a reason Balls keeps appearing at the top of this list: he’s really, really good at what he does.


Total Score: 5-1-26    KDA: 29    Average Cs: 254    Best Champion: Shyvana



2nd: Nien

Finally, Nien has come into his own as a top laner. He has really struggled to find his groove this season but with the rest of CLG falling into place it was only a matter of time before Nien righted the ship. His Renekton got bullied pretty hard by ZionSpartan but came through in the end and he manhandled Benny with Shyvana.

3rd: ZionSpartan

He was the only man on his team with a kill in the loss at the hands of CLG and his split-pushing tower diving insanity helped Coast on their way to beating TSM.



1ST: Meteos

The KDA king has reclaimed his throne, going unkilled in both games with a combined score of 10-0-20 (and therefore a 30 KDA on the week).

Playing Elise in both games rather than the Lee Sin which he has been favoring, Meteos didn’t miss a beat. Against EG he landed almost every single Cocoon, setting up kills and pushing objectives once the advantage was seized. A stun onto Yellowpete’s Ezreal at the inhibitor tower was especially important for Cloud 9’s successful tower-dive. Same sort of story in the game against Curse: Meteo’s ability to secure objectives after ganking and make the correct rotation is unmatched, and Cloud 9 steamrolled to victory.

Numbers don’t like: Meteos has high kill participation, outstanding objective control and an inhuman ability to stay alive. 


Total Score: 10-0-20   KDA: 30  Average Cs: 139  Best Champion: Elise


2nd: Dexter

He shone on Elise versus Coast, going 6-0-8 and totally owning the map, giving Nintendude no room to breathe at all. His Kha’Zix was a little less impressive, but shows the variety in his champion pool – known for his tankier jungler, Dexter is still able to pull out the damage dealers when he wants to. He even netted a triple kill.

3rd: Snoopeh

While his Vi was lackluster in the game against Cloud 9, his Pantheon was everywhere against Dignitas, going 3-1-11 and controlling the game from the get-go.


Middle Lane

1ST: Link

CLG fans, you can rejoice now: someone has officially topped Bjergsen as the strongest mid in town (at least for this week). Link’s return to middle lane has been in impressive style, and his hot streak doesn’t seem to be cooling down any time soon.

With no deaths and a 28 KDA on the week, Link crushed his enemies in both games, dominating lane, making smart roams and landing perfect team-fight ultimates. Against XDG, his middle lane Lulu was beastly, bullying Mancloud’s Karthus into submission with ease. He used Lulu to her fullest potential, shoving the wave before roaming to other lanes to pressure objectives and pick up kills. He clearly understand the strength of the little Yordle. Versus Coast, his Orianna was brilliant, combining with Aphromoo’s Alistar to land some devastating multi-man Shockwave wombo combos.

Like a puzzle falling into place, CLG has finally become the team that fans always hoped they could be. If they are to keep it up in the weeks to come, look to Link to continue his crushing play.


Total Score: 11-0-17    KDA: 28    Average Cs: 216    Best Champion: Lulu


2nd: Shiphtur

I reeeaaaally wanted to give Shiphtur top spot this week for his incredible Ahri play to snap TSM’s win streak, but his Leblanc versus CLG was uninspiring for a player who usually plays so well on assassins. At least he gets the consolation prize of top play for Week 6.

3rd: Pobelter

His Lulu performed well against Cloud 9 and his Zed ripped Dignitas to pieces. Not much more to say: he lanes well and is terrifying when ahead.


Bot-Lane Duo

1ST: Doublelift and Aphromoo

How do they keep getting better and better? The “Rush Hour” bot-lane duo of CLG has looked very impressive, and their mechanical skill and smart play is putting them at the head of the pack in terms of scary NA duos.

Despite getting killed in lane by XDG, Aphromoo quickly recovered, landing several multi-man Leona Solar Flares in the mid-game which turned the game way into CLG’s advantage. His Zenith Blades and stuns were on point as well. Doublelift’s play was safe and clean with no major mistakes to speak of.

The game versus Coast is where the duo really shined, especially Aphro, combining with Link for devastating teamfight results. The CLG duo proved they are skilled enough to pull off a risky Vayne-Alistar pick, and it worked wonders.

It’s not rocket science: with the rest of CLG firing on all cylinders the bot-lane duo is doing the same. Look out, Rush Hour is here.



Total Score: 4-2-10    KDA: 7    Average Cs: 245    Best Champion: Vayne


Total Score: 4-1-19    KDA: 23   Average Cs: 6.5    Best Champion: Alistar



2nd: Sneaky and LemonNation

Sneaky was definitely the better of the duo this week, going 14-1-23, but their laning was strong, team-fighting was solid and Lemon makes the plays when it counts.

3rd: WildTurtle and Xpecial

They did their best to prevent the upset by Coast but in the end couldn’t – the TSM duo made up for it by bullying Curse into submission.



Top Plays of the Week

1) Breaking the Streak: Shiphtur Mimics xPeke

It wasn’t the xPeke, but it felt close – with Coast pushing the base and four memebers hammering on the Nexus, TSM put up a last ditch defense, killing all the other member but Shiphtur. While his Lich Bane item choice may have raised some eyebrows earlier in the game, it paid off in spades here. 

Killing the Oddone and moving onto the Nexus, Shiphtur used his empowered auto-attacks to take chunks out of the Nexus. Bjergsen moved in fast, but a quick Ahri ultimate allowed Shiphut to not only dodge Bjergsen's damage, but the stun from a respawned Xpecial, landing a final auto-attack to seal the game for Coast. 

An exciting and tense finish to the best game of the season. That Lich Bane.

(Click photo for VOD)


2) Breaking the Vault: Nintendude Predicts the Flash

A small play but a good one. With Nintendude coming in for a gank onto TSM's Dyrus with Vi Vault Breaker charged, he predicted Dyrus' flash, lining up a brilling release of the fully charged ability to catch the fleeing troll. 

The kill was secured only by this short but brilliant display of mind-games - otherwise Dyrus' flash would certainly have led to his escape. Well played Nintendude. 

(Click photo for VOD)



3) Now He's Angry: The Cow Delivery System

This is acutally two plays in one, both brilliant teamfight initiations by the pair of Aphromoo on Alistar and Link on Orianna.

With Coast pushing the tier two tower top and CLG hopelessly outnumbers, Aphromoo went in seemingly suicidally - fortunately, he had the Ball on him, and Link followed up Aphro's headbutt with a massive Shockwave to send Coast running despite their numerical advantage.

The same thing happnened again later in the game, with similar results. With CLG pushing the inhibitor tower the Alistar-Orianna wombo combo ended the game, catching three of Coast's members and utterly destroying them in the blink of an eye.


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