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LoL11 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Stats corner: The numbers from Season 3 World Championship


With the Summoner's Cup hoisted by the victorious team and $1,000,000 set in their pockets after their glorious win at the Staples Center, SKT T1 begins their vacation and then training for WCG Korea.  Meanwhile, we'll be looking at the statistics encompassing the entire tournament to see just what was favorable over the brilliant month of Worlds.

=Scroll to the bottom for a COMPLETE list of comprehensive stats=

Best VODs


Fnatic vs. Royal Club G2

SKT T1 vs. NaJin Sword G1VOD


Mineski vs. FnaticVOD

These VODs were picked sheerly by their entertainment value, which is why we can see the final spot being championed by Mineski vs. Fnatic.  This game was a spectacle for a fan of either team due to Mineski's tribute to the team they replaced by using a nearly full support composition.  SKT T1 was a mindblowing experience since we saw the first clash of China versus Korea.

SKT T1 was surprised when NaJin Sword gave them the toughest fight they had in the entire tournament, most of it being trivial to them.  Fnatic vs. Royal Club Game 2 showed some amazing back and forth action featuring a huge kill lead for Fnatic and a huge objective lead for Royal Club, which allowed for an amazing comeback.

Most Picked


Zyra actually toppled Elise for the first time in awhile on our Stats Corner, presumably due to teams finding her true full utility.  She's suffered quite a few nerfs, sure, but she's still absolutely amazing at taking early dragons, has an incredible auto attack animation for harass along with her spells, and probably has the best disengage potential in the game.  Elise follows shortly behind though, with Sona and Corki following just behind that -- the latter two actually attaining a lower than 50% win rate in the World Championships.

Shen has been a hot first pick this tournament, doubling the second highest of Orianna.  We've seen Shen put to great use in World Class play with only the occassional sloppy performances.  Zed trails shortly behind Orianna due to the fact that teams always wanted to first pick him in the rare even that he wasn't banned.

Most banned and most contested


This one is a no brainer -- Zed is by far the most banned champion of the tournament.  Not only were there quite a few specialists of the champion, he's capable of assassination, is a great duelist, an amazing split pusher, has a gap closer and escape, uses no resources, and is a decent laner to boot.  Shen and Corki were problematic as well for different reasons, one having too many opportunities to help the team and the other for his incredible laning damage.  All three of these were also the  top contested (meaning they were either picked or banned).


Win rates (for champions picked > 9 times)


For the longest time, everyone was well aware of the power of Renekton.  However, his utilization in the Season 3 World Championship with the help of Royal Club's Godlike really brought the champion's capability to life.  Featuring tons of damage with little itemization, a very powerful laning phase, and awesome late game scaling, his win rate finds the highest spot on the chart. He is followed behind by Shen, Lee Sin, and Jax.

Varus finds himself at an astonishingly low win rate of 20%.  Sona, Fizz, and Gragas follow closely behind them, despite three of those four heroes having amazing utility.  

Quick facts


  • 69 champions have been picked or banned throughout the whole tournament. For comparison, the number of champions picked in the group stage alone was 68
  • The 11 most picked champions make for 50% of all picks (315 picks across them to 630 total picks for all 63 games)
  • The 25 most picked champions make for 80% of all picks (506 picks across them to 630 total picks for all 63 games)
  • The 6 most banned champions make for 50% of all bans
  • The 15 most banned champions make for 80% of all bans
  • The 11 most contested champions make for 50% of all picks-or-bans
  • The 23 most contested champions make for 80% of all picks-or-bans
  • Ziggs is the only champion to be banned but never picked. He was targeted by Gaming Gear EU
  • Homeguard upgrades were chosen 54 times, with Distortion being the second highest at 5
  • Ghost was only picked twice in the entire tournament as a summoner spell
  • Cleanse was used more than Exhaust as a summoner spell.
  • First Blood had a higher win percentage than First Tower or First Dragon, though First Inhibitor granted the highest.
  • There was only 1 incident where Boots was chosen as a starting item
  • Flask + Pots was a much more popular choice than Doran's Ring + Pot in the mid lane
  • Doran's Blade was by far the most held onto late game item, also topping the "Starting Items" charts


Full stats




Statistics thanks to Garry "Aegyo" Chen and Kelsey "Prehistorique" Moser of the GosuCrew.  Article written by Michale "Drexxin" Lalor.  For more Season 3 World Championships coverage, visit our coverage hub. For more recaps, interviews, editorials, and LPL Coverage, follow @GGDrexxin on Twitter.

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