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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

GosuBet Season Two Ends!

Well, we have finally come to an end of the GosuBet Season Two. After quite a few upsets, our winner fought himself to the top. Our top GosuBetter for this season is none other than Spain Weratul!

Spain Ricardo "Weratul" Corrales Montoya may have suffered a few losses this season, but he certainly made a comeback to become the first GosuBetter with over 20,000 minerals. He came up with 21175 minerals, good job Ricardo!

Interview with Weratul

Lets start off.. Your name, age, location and race.

Ricardo Corrales Montoya, 19 years old , Algeciras (spain) , I'm trying to change from zerg to terran

Was there a certain way how you chose your bets?

I think I know how almost all the famous players play. So I try to bet in matches where everybody thinks the other one will win. Example: Schnibl0r 20% vs Mondragon 80%.

Winning on DkH vs mYm put you on the Gosubet map, also giving you the title of most minerals won on a bet. Why DkH?

DkH is a "pro-gaming" team and thier players are not as known as mYm's players such as BlackMan, but they take this more serious.

When you noticed that you were in the lead, did you start to bet more cautiously?

Yes and no, because I knew I could not throw my mineral on rubbish bets because the second place better was trying to get a lot of fast minerals but when I saw bets such as x6AMD vs DkH. I knew x6AMD was going to win, so I had it clear I had already won.

What are your goals for next season?

I think I'll get top5 almost sure.

But what happened to the rest of the betters? Well here's your top ten!

Top Ten 1) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 21175 Spain Weratul
2) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 17822 United States disCord
3) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 14476 United States oddson
4) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 12536 Spain CoBaiN
5) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 4166 Argentina Pato[S2]
6) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 4150 Poland Jojcyn
7) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 3894 Finland iNsaNe-
8) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 3049 Bulgaria s7orm
9) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 2629 Russia EvilSky
10) 4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 2572 Sweden Raistlin

The season has come to an end, and all minerals and gold have been reset with a clean sweep. No prize for this season, sorry everyone. Season Three will be coming up shortly. The field is clean, who will be our next GosuBet champion? Good luck everyone!

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