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HonCast chat with [S2]Nome reveals upcoming information

Madman stun removal a "temporary solution"
64d7d932f2c0398e34ca94db2475b0ae96999d280178c6060a92507acc.jpgNome mentioned that the change to Madman, making his Barrel Roll only slow (attack and movement speed) instead of a stun was part of a global removal of stuns from powerful carries - examples like Forsaken's Archer's Crippling Volley no longer ministunning, and Zephyr's Gust no longer stunning either. Chronos's Curse of Ages has received a rework as well, although still maintaining a stun effect. A more extensive tweaking of Madman is possibly upcoming in the future. S2 wants to let this play out and see how Madman works without his stun.

Stormspirit port coming - Doctor Repulsor
126f6f24f98f7e224953c739440850e97062f19180f218a3b303f6332d.gifNome also officially confirmed the heavily rumored upcoming Stormspirit port. His HoN name will be Doctor Repulsor. Stormspirit is an Intelligence hero with great damage potential, and a popular hero among many DoTA players. More details on PlayDota, linked below.

For more details from [S2]Nome, including hearing his official job position in S2 Games, his thoughts on Gauntlet and Rampage, and which heroes he thinks will do well with Blood Chalice, go listen to the "Friday InHouse" Casts linked below.

HonCast - HonCast Friday Inhouse Game
PlayDota.com - Details on Storm Spirit

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