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Heroes7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Team compositions for quick match updated

One stealth hero per team and separating specific warrior and support heroes into their own category promises to increase the quality of quick match games.

These changes have apparently already been in place for the past week, but Community Manager Ravinix only posted the announcement with specific details very recently.

The specific changes shouldn't come to a surprise to long time hero players. Ever since Samuro and Valeera were introduced, the quality of quick match team compositions was dubious at best. Whether it was an overabundance of stealth heroes, bruisers like Sonya forced to solo tank, or Malfurion and Tyrande being placed as equal healers, the time for a quick match change was sorely needed.

Here are the quick and simple things to know about the changes.

  • One stealth hero per team.
  • Sonya, Zarya and Varian are considered bruisers, not tanks. Teams with tanks will face teams with tanks, so these three bruisers won't count towards this requirement.
  • Tassadar and Tyrande are no longer "healer" supports, but "sustain" supports alongside Medivh, Zarya and Abathur. These "sustain" supports will never be force into a solo "Healer" role unless the other team also has no solo "healer".

These changes will be applied to the majority of the games, but the announcement reminded us that players "may still rarely encounter games that do not fit these new rules" when the queue times start reaching "exceptionally" long wait times.

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