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Heroes7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Quick balance update nerfs Rehgar, Thrall, Diablo and more.

The tyrants of Hero League have had their power momentarily quelled, but so has the new hero that threatened to challenge their rule. Find out what happens next on: "Balance Update!"

 Check out the patch changes yourself here 

This latest balance update has way more nerfs than buffs. Could the rumors be true?

As terrifying as that would be, our reality is much safer. Blizzard has decided to tone down some of the more obvious power differences between our beloved Heroes, and, for you TL;DR loyalist out there, here is what you need to know:

  • Ragnaros: Q does less damage and Heroic Difficulty nerfed
  • Thrall: Buffed Sundering damage, Earthquake cooldown now 100 seconds.
  • Zul'Jin: Taz'Dingo cooldown now 90 seconds.
  • Varian: Baseline cooldown of Charge buffed-- indirect buff to Shield Wall builds.
  • Rehgar: Bloodlust nerfed in duration and movement speed very slightly.
  • Dehaka: All of his best talents for Dark Swarm were slightly nerfed.
  • Diablo: Firestomp damage nerfed.


Now what?

These changes are all good and hint at Blizzard's design philosophy for powerful heroes. Clearly, it's OK that Earthquake is a strong ability, but its use should be more significant. The result? Longer cooldown.

In a similar line of thought, it seems OK that Diablo is extremely hard to kill, but perhaps he shouldn't do so much damage. Zul'jin nerf apparently wasn't a nerf at all and Taz'dingo was intended to always have a 90-second cooldown. Grave news for those who are already lamenting Zul'jins power level.

Expect to see less Earthquake in your Hero League matches. Everything else won't drastically change your pick order but will make games against top tier heroes a little less painful.

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